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Reflection on Summer 2024 by Spencer Borine

The Summer of 2024 was my first summer at Camp America, after spending about 25 years as a camp professional at 4 different camps. I was hired this summer to learn and see camp for what it is without any specific title, and to be a support for wherever needed.  I couldn’t have asked for a better first summer! I got to see all aspects of camp, from various bunks in all divisions, to various activities such as athletics, ceramics, arts, woodshop, boating/fishing, challenge, teambuilding, nature, go karts, the pool and brotherhood and sisterhood.

Camp America sets itself apart from other camps I have been involved with due to the family atmosphere brought about by its owner, June Mitchell.  June makes herself available each morning to say hello to everyone that arrives at camp.  When June asks how your weekend was, how you are feeling, or how your morning is going, she genuinely cares about your responses and takes the time to have small conversations with all of her staff. As a result, each staff member has become invested in providing their best effort to make Camp America the incredible place that it is. 

This summer was an incredibly hot one!  We had heat wave after heat wave.  One thing that really stood out to me, more so than the other camps I have worked at, is the spacing of all of the activities in shaded areas throughout camp thanks to the many beautiful trees. With the spacious layout of camp, you never feel that there are 600 campers here at camp.  You never feel cramped.  Believe me, when it’s 95 to 100 degrees 4 or 5 days in a row, keeping things spaced out and shaded does wonders for the staff morale where they don’t feel like they are constantly on top of one another.

June spares no expense in helping to give the campers the best summer experience ever.  From the various special events (So Fun City game show, Water Day, Carnival, Color Games) to the new activities that were built or added over the years like Tetherball Town, Bungee Trampoline and the additional pool, June always puts back into camp.

The number of adult staff throughout the entire camp (both in bunks and specialty areas) really adds to the strength of camp.  Because of the many adult staff working here, campers are truly afforded a safe and happy summer.  Staff seem genuinely happy to be here every day of the summer.  The specialty areas are run with competence and great personalities. The bunk counselors make sure their campers are getting to their activities in an organized fashion.

Generally speaking, camp should be all about its campers having fun.  Believe me, with the amount of smiling faces I have seen this summer, they certainly are having the most fun possible.  That being said, here at camp, we have been able to incorporate some social learning disguised as fun.  I am talking about two specific activities run here at Camp America that are sorely needed for today’s children.  These activities, Brotherhood & Sisterhood and Team Building, are run by two individuals who really understand the value and importance of teaching our campers how to get along with one another and how to work and solve problems as a group. Sure, there is some education in these activities, but it is disguised in fun, active and challenging ways. Each week, all the bunks in division 2 and 3 take part in Brotherhood and Sisterhood where they learn the value of respecting and understanding one another.  This doesn’t take place in a classroom; it takes place out in the fields in various locations throughout camp in creative and active ways. In addition, division 3 bunks take part in various team building challenges and activities down in our team building area.  This is another way for our older campers to learn to work together as a group and work through various challenges as a team.  Both activities are sorely needed at camp, and being able to do all of this while still having fun is an incredible accomplishment. 

All in all, this has been an incredible summer.  For me, having spent 25 years in the camping industry at various camps, I can honestly say that my first summer at Camp America has been one of my favorites!  My days as a camper have been long gone!  However, I remember going up to June in jest at some point this summer to ask if she could take out a portion of my salary to cover my tuition so I can be a camper again!  Watching the excitement, job and positive experiences of both the campers and staff this summer really makes you want to be a kid again and experience all that camp has to offer! Now I just need a time machine!

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