Being a part of the Camp America family means more than just showing up to camp everyday. Whether you are a camper or staff member, we always do what we can to make everyone feel like they are a part of something special. Over 50+ years, generations of campers have grown to become staff members and join the ever growing family tree.
Camp America opened its doors in 1967. Not only did owners Al and Norma Levin provide a place for children in the community to enjoy their summer, they had children of their own making memories of a lifetime as well. Sure enough, their daughter, June, always felt a deep love and connection for the home away from home that her parents created. In 1994, the transition began when June and Steve started working with Al and Norma.
June and Steve Mitchell have truly expanded Camp America into so much more than just a day camp. From picnics, team buildings, weddings and mitzvahs, they truly do it all! Every year they are adding new and exciting things to the grounds. One of the most notable additions is the 10 ft zero entry pool and tetherball town! There is always so much to look forward to on the first day of camp to see what exciting things are added!
While the Camp America family grew, so did the Mitchell family. June and Steve have four children, Jared, Jonathan, Max and Meredith. All of which are married and growing families of their own! Even better, some of their spouses have even joined in on the fun! Meredith’s husband, Ollie Brown, is one of our program coordinators and year round facilities manager along with Steve. Jenn Mitchell, Jonathan’s wife, has joined the team and has taken over Norma’s last job at camp as bookkeeper. With seven grandchildren and counting, the next generation of Mitchell’s are already attending camp and making the same memories as their parents did.
June, Steve and the Mitchell family always treat every camper and staff like they are a part of the family too. They never fail to always greet everyone by name, ask about how they are doing, talk to parents regularly during drop off and pick up, and keep in touch outside of camp. They truly love every camper like family. This is how we’ve been running camp for the past 50+ years and it’s how we’re going to continue to run it for another 50+. Compassion, community, friendship and growth. Catch the spirit at Camp America, where friends turn into a forever family!

Al and Norma

June and Steve